Father’s Day was Sunday and we didn’t even give my Dad a card or buy his lunch. I wanted to, but I couldn’t. You see, Sunday was my first Father’s Day without my Dad. And I thought of him throughout the day.
He was a man of simple needs and simple means, yet a man of unwavering faith. When faced with a crisis, he would make a choice and then move on with life. He wouldn’t look back and regret; instead he would look forward and grow.
He was a good father because he chose to be. In spite of the fact that growing up he didn’t have a father example, he became an example father to many.
He was a good father because he loved his children and their mother. When we were in need, he was there – quietly, consistently, faithfully. He would sit with us, listen with us, enjoy life with us, share sorrows with us, and pray with us … he was my hero.
And there is so much more to say …
… Tom
I, too, celebrated this Father’s Day without my father for the first time. A friend placed flowers on the altar in honor of my Dad, and I appreciated the thought, but…
So instead of spending time with my Dad, or even choosing cards, I flew with my sons from Northern California to Southern, and spent the next three days cleaning out the home in which I grew up.
So what is Father’s Day like for me now? There’s something missing – yet, I am filled with an immense amount of gratitude. I had a dad who loved me, who prayed for me. Mom, Tom, and I were absolutely the most important people in his life – second only to God. I’ve thought of the times Dad prayed with us, listened to us, sang with us, played with us…
So, I celebrate Father’s Day. I miss my Dad. I love my Dad. I’m grateful.